Ciao everyone! Thank you for visiting my website and welcome!
I am a singer, an actress, an opera director and dramaturg.
But I am also an enthusiastic researcher, music supervisor and music psychologist.
It might look like there are two completely separate sides of me, but actually, these two worlds couldn't be more tied together.
I have a condition called synaesthesia that allows me to perceive music, colour, texture and touch as connected. My senses are always linked to each other, so when I listen to music or perform, there is always something else happening in my perceptual experience - I see colours, feel textures, sometimes even experience pain.
This is the reason why, in my experience, music and mind are inseparable.
As a singer, performer and as a director this condition has helped me hugely to empathize with the characters, their voice, their words, their textures and colours.
If you want to know more about what I have done in the past, what I am up to at the moment and in the future, or if you want to learn more about what synaesthesia is, or what I do as a music psychologist you can contact me directly via email and I will be happy to chat with you!
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